Clarify 1Clarify 1Clarify DesktopWorking with TextHow to change the position of paragraph text

How to change the position of paragraph text

This article will show you how to change the instruction text so that it is above or below the media. When you make a change to the media position for a step, Clarify uses that same media position for all future steps that are created.

Change Media Position

Change Media Position
  1. Open the Step inspector.
  2. Select media position



With the media position set to above the image will appear above the paragraph text.

Using the Document menu

You can also quickly toggle the media position using the Document > Swap Step Media Position menu.

Using the Document menu


Jeff Byers

But how do we set that preference for the entire document?

Trevor DeVore

@Jeff - there is no preference for the entire document. When you change instruction text position Clarify uses that new position for all subsequent steps (I've added a note about this).

In a future version you will be able to modify step properties for all selected steps. This will allow you to toggle the setting for all existing steps. I added a step describing how to Document menu to quickly toggle the text position. If you need to modify a lot of steps then using the menu shortcut key will be the fastest way.

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