Clarify 1Clarify 1Clarify DesktopReferenceWhere is the Clarify preference file located?

Where is the Clarify preference file located?

This document shows you where the preferences for Clarify 1.1 are located.

Mac OS X

On OS X the Clarify preference file is stored in ~/Library/Preferences/com.bluemangolearningsystems.clarify-osx.plist where ~ represents your home folder.

Windows XP

On Windows XP the Clarify preference file is stored in your user application data folder. If user data is stored on the C: drive on your computer then the path would be C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_USERNAME\Application Data\Clarify\1.0\Clarify Preferences.dat where YOUR_USERNAME is your username on the computer.

Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10

On Windows Vista and later the Clarify preference file is stored in your user application data folder. If user data is stored on the C: drive on your computer then the path would be C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Clarify\1.0\Clarify Preferences.dat where YOUR_USERNAME is your username on the computer.


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