How to capture menus

To capture a menu with Clarify you can either use the global key command or the capture delay feature. In this article we will show you how to use the capture delay setting.

Note: If you are trying to capture the Apple menu on OS X then you need to make sure that Clarify is not the frontmost application when you try to capture the menu. Just click on the desktop to activate the Finder and then you will be able to capture the Apple menu.

Set Delay

Set Delay

You will be able to select a delay in seconds. This is how long Clarify will wait between when you click the capture button and when Clarify freezes the screen.

In this example we have set a 4 sec. delay.

Click Capture

Click Capture

Timer Appears

Timer Appears

A countdown timer will appear on your screen. Just open the menu you need to capture, and leave it open until the timer expires.


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