Use Clarify with Evernote
Evernote is a great application for storing all of the "stuff" you need to remember. And Clarify is a great tool for capturing stuff that you need to remember. Here is how to combine the two.
Note: If you purchased Clarify through the Mac App Store then Evernote export will not work. Please follow the directions in this article to get the latest version of Clarify.
Create your document in Clarify
Create a Clarify document by capturing images and editing text.
Click the Evernote Toolbar Button
Using the Share Menu
Alternatively you can use the Share > Evernote menu.
Authorize With Evernote
The first time you export you will have to let Evernote know that it is okay for Clarify to upload content to your account.
Just click Authorize on the Evernote website. This lets Evernote know it is okay.
Tell Evernote Where To Store the Note
You can select a notebook to put your note in.
When you are ready to create the note, click Save.
The Result
Your note will now be available in your Evernote account. Here is what a note looks like in the Evernote desktop software.
The Clarify Source Document
If you ever need to update the Evernote note, just scroll to the bottom of it where you will find the Clarify source document. If you are in the Evernote desktop software, just double-click on it to open the document in Clarify. Clarify knows where the document came from. When you make changes and upload to Evernote again the note will be updated.
What a fantastic idea. Thanks!
Is there anyway to tell which Notebook to export the document too?
Trevor DeVore
@ed: Not at this time. The document will always be created in the default folder.
My default folder is defined by evernote in this case 1InBox (Top of the List). I capture in Clarify and then send to Evernote..the capture doesn't appear in 1InBox...can you tell me where it is?
Trevor DeVore
@Matt - there seems to be some issues with the latest version of Evernote. We are about to release an update with a new Evernote integration. It interacts with the Evernote web service, allows you to select the notebook to place the document in and even includes the Clarify source document in the Evernote note. If you email [email protected] I can send you a link and we can see the new version gets you up and running.
Jenna Weiner
I can't seem to get the source document to appear/insert into the Evernote note.
I save my Clarify document to my computer. Then, I click on the Evernote icon to send it. When I view it in Evernote (using the app on my local computer), it doesn't match what your screen shows with the source file at the bottom.
Any suggestions?
Trevor DeVore
Jenna - it sounds like you are using version 1.1 of Clarify rather than version 1.2. Version 1.1 didn't insert the source document or allow you to choose a notebook. If you purchased from us you can download the latest update from If you purchased through the Mac App Store then the 1.2 update isn't available yet.
wow - I wish I would have known this. I use evernote everyday, and I just purchased clarify it from the mac app store today. Looks like it has been almost a month and a half since Trevor's post and it STILL is not available on the mac app store. Makes we think I made a big mistake in purchasing through the app store.
Trevor DeVore
@scott - We are still dealing with Sandboxing issues which is why the update isn't available yet. If you purchased through MAS and need Evernote support then just email us and we will issue a temporary key to use the version from our site.
great... Thanks a bunch!
Hi there - I can't get Evernote to export because I purchased on App Store. Do I have to repurchase. I've used Clarify for ages and now want it to replace Skitch.
Trevor DeVore
@Deborah - just email us at [email protected] along with your receipt and we will issue you a key for the version from our website.
Matt Beran
Ran into the same thing today - exported to PDF and put that in my evernote for now. I can't wait for the update to app store to get this integration working!
Trevor DeVore
@Matt - it may not be until later this year that we can update the app store. I would recommend emailing support with your receipt so you can access the version from our website until then.
Matt Beran
@Trevor - Thanks and done!
Trevor DeVore
@Matt - You're welcome and processed :-)
Need help...Been trying clarify with evernote. Been working great until tonight. Now when i open file from evernote into clarify and then save it back i get "evermnote reported an error while updating note: note content was malformed"
This just started. Tried different file names to create a totally new file, same issue.
Trevor DeVore
@niko - send the document to [email protected] and I will take a look.