Using Clarify with Evernote Business

When using Clarify with Evernote Business notebooks you need to be aware of a couple of things.

If you move a note with a Clarify source file between a personal and business notebook in Evernote the source file will no longer update the note

When you move notes between a personal and business notebook in Evernote it appears that Evernote moves the same note to the notebook. Evernote actually trashes the note and creates a new one, however. In doing so, the unique identifier for the note that is stored in the Clarify source document now points to the note that is in the trash.

If you want to have the Clarify source file point to the correct note then perform the following steps. These steps assume you are moving a note from a personal notebook to a business notebook.

  1. Open the Clarify source document that is stored with the note in the personal notebook.
  2. In Clarify, select File > Save As to save a new copy of the Clarify document on your computer.
  3. Export the new document to Evernote, saving the note to the new business notebook.
  4. Delete the note from the personal notebook in Evernote.
  5. Delete the Clarify document you created in step 2 as the source file is now stored with the Evernote note in the business notebook.

Clarify cannot move notes from a business notebook to a personal notebook and vice versa

The first time you export a Clarify document to Evernote you can create the note in any notebook you would like.

When you update an Evernote note from a Clarify document you can only move the document within notebooks of the same kind. For example, if you export a note to a personal notebook, the next time you update the note you can only move the note within personal notebooks.


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