Use Clarify to Share a Hobby
I recently discovered a new use for Clarify - to show my friend how to do magic tricks!
I love doing magic tricks
I've been learning how to do magic tricks (illusions for you "Arrested Development" fans) since I was around 8 years old. I've never been that great, but I enjoy learning new sleights and performing for my family and friends.
Recently, I found out that a friend of mine also likes to perform magic, and so we decided to start our own little magic club. It's not that spectacular... just the two of us. And our resources consist of books, which frankly are hard to follow.
So I wanted to come up with a better way to teach my friend the tricks that I knew, and for him to teach me the tricks that he knows - and then I realized, all I have to do is take pictures of me doing a magic trick and then upload those pictures to Clarify!
And so... that's what I did -
Photos and Clarify
I used my iPhone to shoot the footage of me performing the trick, and then used it to take pictures of me doing the trick for instructional purposes. I'm not too concerned about professional quality shots here - it's just a hobby.
Taking pictures with my iPhone is great because the photos sync to my iPhoto application. When we're done taking pictures (which really doesn't take that long), I pull up my Mac, open up iPhoto, and my pictures are available. (Regardless of whether you have an iPhone and iPhoto, the next part will work the same.)
I then open up a Clarify document and import image files (just make sure to auto scale images first so that humongous photos aren't imported -
All of the pictures get imported into Clarify in the order that they are in your photo application. If I want to reorder them in Clarify, it's no sweat. If I took too many pictures, I'll just delete them from Clarify. Rearranging the photos isn't a problem once they're in Clarify.
Write up descriptions, then share via
Once I have all the pictures in Clarify, i just have to write up some descriptions of the pictures, add some arrows and text, and I'm all set to share it to my free account -
Now, anybody who wants to learn how to do the trick that I'm showing above can follow my online instructions. Updating the images isn't a big deal. If something isn't clear, I can just open up the Clarify Document, make the changes, and upload it again.
So what do you want to share?
I love being able to use Clarify to teach somebody how to do a magic trick. And now that I've got a nice little workflow down, it really doesn't take that long.
You'll notice that the quality of my pictures aren't professional, and the video is pretty rough, but that doesn't matter to me! This is just a hobby for me, so I don't want to spend all day drafting up a tutorial. I want it to be simple and effective, and Clarify does that for me.
So what hobbies could you share using Clarify? Cooking? Playing an instrument? Painting?
Whatever it is, you can use Clarify to help you organize, annotate, and share your instructional articles online for all the world to see.
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