Using Clarify to create your Salesforce documentation
If you received a copy of Clarify from your Salesforce User Group, here are some instructions for getting started.
You should have received an email with information about how to register Clarify. In the email are a couple of links that will allow you to download Clarify and register Clarify.
Once you have registered Clarify, Set up a capture hot key so you can get your screenshots in a lot less time. Click the links below if you need help.
Clarify is designed to help you write visual articles in hardly any time at all. It's pretty intuitive, but if you need help getting started, click on the links below for detailed instructions. Once you have mastered the basics, you can go to the Clarify knowledge base to learn about all of the features Clarify offers.
How did I create this article?
This article was not created with Clarify - it was created using another application called ScreenSteps.
ScreenSteps is also developed by us, and is like Clarify's big brother. It uses the same authoring editor as Clarify, but it has a web backend so you can create an online knowledge base (i.e. website) for your Salesforce users. You can create individual articles that answer specific questions, or combine multiple articles to explain a more involved process (like getting started with Clarify). I used ScreenSteps to make this article, and it required no coding and no knowledge of HTML - just drag and drop.
If you're interested in learning more about ScreenSteps, and how you can create internal documentation that looks like this article, let us know! You can email [email protected]. You can also check out our listing on the Salesforce AppExchange.
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